Dustin Hoffman
"This is the first century to have been preserved on film ... maybe." - Dustin Hoffman in Our movie heritage van Tom Mc Greevey en Joanne L. Yeck (New Brunswick, New Jersey and London 1997)
Martin Scorsese
"By not preserving film, we're committing cultural suicide. It's madness not to preserve it." - Martin Scorsese in Our movie heritage van Tom Mc Greevey en Joanne L. Yeck (New Brunswick, New Jersey and London 1997)
Frederick Wiseman
"I would like you also to think about the possibility that the documentary film of our time may be the entertainment film of the next century." - Frederick Wiseman in Our movie heritage by Tom Mc Greevey en Joanne L. Yeck (New Brunswick, New Jersey and London 1997)
Orson Welles
"Film has a personality, and that personality is self-destructive. The job of the archivist is to anticipate what the film may do - and prevent it." - Orson Welles uit This film is dangerous. A celebration of nitrate film. Roger Smither (red.) voor FIAF (Brussel 2002)
Henri Langlois
"In a can it is nothing. A film is preserved when it is on a screen in front of an audience with people reacting to it." - Henri Langlois in Our movie heritage by Tom Mc Greevey en Joanne L. Yeck (New Brunswick, New Jersey and London 1997)